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Top 10 Ways to Deal With Grief

  Death is inevitable, and it is something we all know is a part of life. Yet  when it happens to someone close to us, it is emotionally shattering, and sometimes, it can be hard to move on from this tragedy.

TOP 10 Ways to Enjoy a Party (as an introvert)

  It's party season!  Someone you know may have a birthday. Or it is an office party. Or it is a party you are being dragged to because it's your friend's cousin's wedding anniversary.

Top 10 Things to do at the Beach

  It's almost summer. And even if it isn't where you live, what's stopping you from enjoying your time at the beach? Studies show that going to the beach can actually be very relaxing for you. In fact, sitting near the water and staring into the ocean can put you in a relaxed, meditative state.

Top 10 Ways to Deal with Nervousness

  There are times in our lives when we must face situations that make us nervous. It could be speaking in front of your class, a job interview, your wedding day, or even the day of a competition. It just so happens that you feel those butterflies in your stomach. Your palms become sweaty. You bite your fingernails. You fidget with something. You are nervous, and you don't know how to deal with it. Here are some ways you can get your nervousness under control. 1) Deep Breaths. Breathing slowly and deeply can greatly benefit you and help settle your nerves. Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths. Concentrate on your breathing. It can greatly relieve your stress and relax you. 2) Listening to Music.  Get that playlist ready beforehand. Add all your favourite music to it, and right before an event, loosen yourself up by listening to that music. Perhaps if you can find some alone time, try a quick dance. 3) Aromatherapy. Studies have shown that inhaling certain scents can gr...

Top 10 Small Talk Topics

  Chances are you have to attend that one party where you know no one. It might be a work-related party where although you know your co-workers, you may have to speak to your clients and their friends and family members.

Top 10 Ways to Save Money

  When there is so much going on around the world, it's no surprise that things can get a little expensive. You may be earning well but suddenly realize that the price of everything has gone up.

Top 10 Snacking Options

  There are days when you get so busy you barely have time to get up and make your lunch. Or maybe you had that lunch, but it wasn't enough, and you're hungry again. And dinner time is still so far away. At the same time, you do want to control the amount of food you intake and not gain back the weight you put in so much hard work to lose. At those times, it is important to have some snacks ready that will help sate those cravings as well as provide you with essential nutrients that will get you back on track. Here are the top 10 snacks that can help you when you have snack cravings: 1) Nuts. Nuts are packed with vitamins and minerals that can provide you with the energy you need to get on with your day. They are easily available, and you can make your own bag of your favorite mixed nuts. Just keep in mind that some store bought varieties can have excess sodium in them. Also, make sure not to overeat. As tempting as they are, try to minimize your servings. 2) Hydrate yourself ...