Editing and Proofreading Services


There’s the writing part that is fun, cathartic and gratifying. 

And then there’s the editing part that reminds you that your writing may not have been as polished as you thought. In fact, you may have made some really simple spelling errors or grammatical ones. 

One read-through may also not be enough. After going through the entire document, you may end up spotting another error when you scroll back up. 

It helps to have a proofreader or a beta reader to help you make sure your story flows smoothly and there are no more discrepancies. 

Editors work closely with writers to develop a clean manuscript that is fit for publication. They will check for consistency and tone of your writing and make sure the text flows well. They will also help format and restructure sentences and paragraphs. 

The editing part of your writing process is essential and it is important to let a professional editor clean up your manuscript so that you can put your best work out to the world. 

I have worked as an editor for ten years now and have helped many authors in different genres, polish their manuscripts. 

I use track changes, offer suggestions, and look out for discrepancies in the manuscript. 

If you would like your manuscript edited at affordable prices, you can contact me via email: 

