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Showing posts with the label top 10 lists

Top 10 Romance Books adapted into TV shows

Romance is in the air. No it's not Valentine's Day. But romance and romantic stories are never limited to one day, is it? There are several romance shows on air today and most of them are based on beloved books.  Here are the Top 10 Romance Shows based on bestselling books 1) Bridgerton  Based on the books by Julia Quinn, this hit Netflix show is heading towards its fourth season. The books and the show is based on the Bridgerton family and follows the stories of the eight Bridgerton siblings, all with names that are in alphabetical order. The show does take a few liberties with the book and fans do occasionally voice their displeasure with the way their favorite characters are altered, but the series still manages to amass millions in viewing hours.  While each book in the series focuses on one sibling at a time, the show obviously connects and merges stories every season.  This regency romance has tender love stories that are sure to make your night-in enjoy...

Top 10 signs you are being taken for granted

  Who doesn't want to be liked? To be popular? The easiest way to get people to like you is if you can help them in a task.

Top 10 reasons you may want to avoid watching Cooking videos if you are an amateur cook

  Cooking videos are fun to watch if you are a foodie and want to try a new dish but don't know how. Watch enough of it, and the social media algorithm will make sure that you are bombarded with dozens of them every day.  But should you really spend time watching cooking videos if you love food but can't cook that well yet? 1)You have eggs and rice but not the dozen other items that come in the recipe. Most of the descriptions for any post come with a nice little hook. Short for time? Don’t worry. Here’s a two ingredient recipe that you can make in five minutes. Except you can’t.  Those two ingredients usually don’t include salt, water, oil, and a whole load of herbs that will make your dish taste good.  It’s always advisable to go through the ingredient card before you begin reading the long intros that describe the origins of the recipe.  2)You don't have all the utensils and cutlery in the videos. You find that perfect recipe and for a change, you have all th...