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Showing posts with the label how to live a sustainable life

Top 10 Ways to Live a Sustainable Life

We have one life, live on one planet. Isn’t it our duty to take care of the planet that we live on? Earth has limited resources and we end up taking all of it for granted. We actually believe that there is enough for our lifetime. But it is time we think about the future and what we can do for future generations. By adopting these lifestyle choices, our planet will stay healthy for a longer time. Here are the Top 10 Ways you can live more sustainably 1) Conserve Water Saving water is something that we have been told to do since we were kids. While for some, this teaching has become in-grained, a lot of people are still guilty of wasting water in various ways. You will find some people letting water run for a long time as they brush their hair or wash dishes. Or water plants more than that poor plant requires! And then there are those who let the water run while they are showering as well. Conserving water should be everyone’s first goal. ...