We’ve all seen the memes and the jokes where cats are shown to be hidden villains who take joy in the destruction of your furniture and believe that they are the best thing that happened to you. Now they may not be as sociable as dogs but that doesn’t mean all cats are aggressive. They may just be moody or choosy with who they want to show affection towards. Cats can be your next best friend should you decide to adopt one. Here are the TOP 10 REASONS YOU SHOULD GET A CAT 1) They are low maintenance Cats don’t require your undivided attention at all times. They are pretty much okay being by themselves. Which means you don’t have to entertain them on a regular basis or take them out for walks. 2) They are clean Cats are comparatively cleaner to other pets. They tend to clean themselves when they get dirty and to top it all, they avoid going out and playing in the dirt or roll in mud when it is raining. 3) They keep bugs and mice away Having a cat in your house means you won’t have ...