When it comes to news, you can't always be sure anymore that you are receiving the truth. When it comes to people doling out advice about everyday things and situations, you should definitely do your research before you believe in something blindly. There are some things we take for granted because someone we trust told us, and we know, believe it to he the actual truth. As it turns out, the things we thought were true or were advised for and against about may not be correct. Here are the Top 10 Myths we believed in for a long time 1) FIVE-second rule As soon as food falls over the floor, we pick it up and quickly put it into our mouths. It's the five second rule, and supposedly germs have not yet crawled towards the food and contaminated it. This is actually only a myth. As soon as the food hits the floor, the germs get on it immediately. There's no five second rule. The germs don't care about that rule. Always wash or throw away the food if it hits the ground. 2) Bul...