When it comes to news, you can't always be sure anymore that you are receiving the truth.
When it comes to people doling out advice about everyday things and situations, you should definitely do your research before you believe in something blindly.
There are some things we take for granted because someone we trust told us, and we know, believe it to he the actual truth.
As it turns out, the things we thought were true or were advised for and against about may not be correct.
Here are the Top 10 Myths we believed in for a long time
1) FIVE-second rule
As soon as food falls over the floor, we pick it up and quickly put it into our mouths. It's the five second rule, and supposedly germs have not yet crawled towards the food and contaminated it.
This is actually only a myth.
As soon as the food hits the floor, the germs get on it immediately. There's no five second rule. The germs don't care about that rule.
Always wash or throw away the food if it hits the ground.
2) Bulls get angry when they see the colour red
Cartoons have made us believe that bulls get enraged the second they see someone wearing the colour red. They hate it enough to charge and attack.
Matadors are seen waving red in front of bulls, and it's supposed to confirm this fact.
Turns out bulls are not attracted to the colour but to the movement. Matadors wave red flags in order to piss off the bull, who then charges towards it.
Bulls are color-blind.
3) You are likely to get cramps if you swim or take a bath after eating
This theory has been passed on for generations. We have been told by our elders to always take a break of at least half an hour before you go for a swim or take a bath. Apparently, you could end up getting cramps, and your digestion will slow down because enough blood will not flow to aid you.
However, studies show that this is simply a myth. There is no proof that you could end up with cramps, although if you go swimming on a full stomach, you could experience some discomfort. But that can be felt even if you don't go swimming.
Just eat in moderation.
4) Gum stays in your body if you accidentally swallow it
Your teachers may have also told you about this as well as your parents. Gum, if swallowed, is not digested and gets stuck in your gut, causing all sorts of problems.
The truth is that should you happen to swallow gum, you need not be afraid. Gum is usually expelled in the stools.
Your parents and teachers were only trying to dissuade you from smacking gum loudly in front of them.
5) A coin dropped from a height can kill
There have been horror stories of coins falling from towers and skyscrappers that can kill people because of the impact.
The truth is that coins can thump a person in the head but not kill them. The flat surface of the coin is unlikely to cause it to gain enough momentum to act as a bullet and actually hurt anyone.
6) Cracking knuckles will lead to joint problems
You may have been warned against cracking your knuckles. You were probably made to believe that doing so could cause your hands to become weak and lead to bone problems.
The truth is that cracking knuckles do make an annoying sound, which is why people tend to discourage those who do it. When you crack your knuckles, the sound is actually the popping sound of gas bubbles in the fluid that lubricates joints.
7) Treat burns with ice or grease
Your first instinct when you get a burn is to apply something cool immediately. Maybe someone even told you to apply ice because what can be colder than that?
But experts will tell you that the worst thing you can do for your skin is apply ice. It makes the injury spot too cold and restrict the supply of blood to the area.
Instead, it is advisable to run cool water over the injured area.
Experts also strongly advise against using grease like butter on that skin as it can prevent the injury from cooling off because of the thin layer it will form over it.
8) An apple a day keeps the doctor away
It has long been said that consuming an apple a day will prevent you from several illnesses and therefore help you avoid making doctor visits.
While apples contain several important nutrients they don't possess the power to safeguard you from doctor visits or kill every bacteria and virus headed your way.
The myth was created to encourage you to eat more fruits.
9) Organic food is better than non-organic food
In recent years, we may have heard about how healthy organic foods are. They are supposed to have grown in the most natural way and without the use of harmful pesticides.
However, studies show that organic foods do not automatically contain more nutrients than non-organic foods. All you may hope for is the low exposure to pesticides and a higher price to pay for the organic foods.
10) We have only five senses.
For a long time, we believed that we have only five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.
Turns out we actually have more than five senses and they include balance, perception of time, pain and temperature.
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