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Showing posts with the label top 10 ways to stand up for yourself

Top 10 Ways To Stand Up For Yourself

  Do you always find yourself sitting down rather than standing up?  No, this is not talking about you sitting while you’re working or eating or even watching TV.  This is a different kind of ‘standing’ up, the one that so many of us are afraid to do because there are a lot of factors involved. Some of these factors include you too afraid to say something that could get you fired, or lose an important relationship. Since we are always worried about the consequences of us being assertive, somewhere along the way, we learn to give up on self-respect and self-protection.  It seems safer to keep quiet.  But what if you find out one day that you no have lost your self-worth and that you keep quiet so often that you’re taking more hits than you should have allowed. And now anyone says anything they want and gets away with it, leaving you tongue-tied and at a loss of words.  Realization hits. You’ve forgotten to voice your beliefs and found that you can no longer ...