Do you always find yourself sitting down rather than standing up?
No, this is not talking about you sitting while you’re working or eating or even watching TV.
This is a different kind of ‘standing’ up, the one that so many of us are afraid to do because there are a lot of factors involved. Some of these factors include you too afraid to say something that could get you fired, or lose an important relationship. Since we are always worried about the consequences of us being assertive, somewhere along the way, we learn to give up on self-respect and self-protection.
It seems safer to keep quiet.
But what if you find out one day that you no have lost your self-worth and that you keep quiet so often that you’re taking more hits than you should have allowed. And now anyone says anything they want and gets away with it, leaving you tongue-tied and at a loss of words.
Realization hits. You’ve forgotten to voice your beliefs and found that you can no longer protect yourself from vicious criticism.
Well, it is time to stand up. People should not be getting your name wrong. It’s your identity!
They should not be taking your things without your permission. You’re not invisible.
And people should definitely not talk down to you for no reason at all. You’re a human being. Not someone’s punching bag.
Standing up for yourself can be daunting for someone who hasn’t stood up for themselves in a long time. Here are the TOP 10 Ways to Stand Up For Yourself.
1) The Polite Way: Just because they are rude, it doesn’t mean you have to fall to their level. You can stand up for yourself without being rude like them. Start off by saying: thank you for stating your opinion. But you’re wrong about this and here’s why.
Go on and state all the reasons why they made a huge blunder going after you.
2) Use a Deadpan look: Sometimes, using a deadpan look can give what you’re about to say, the kind of effect that could flabbergast someone.
Keep your expressions neutral and after they are finished criticizing you, just ask them what makes them an expert on your life.
3) Using Reverse Psychology: This technique has long been used by parents and other relatives to get you to do something by making you think it’s your choice.
But you too can benefit from this technique so that you come across as assertive.
When someone makes an offhand comment about something that you’re doing, simply tell them that they are full of good ideas and since they are so experienced, can they go into detail about why what you’re doing is not good enough? Tell them that you could really use their expertise in this area.
4) Pretend to Take Notes: When someone begins to lecture you about how you are not good enough at whatever you are doing, take out a notepad and begin to write. When they ask why, tell them it’s because you don’t want to miss a single point that they are making and want to study it later.
Just as they are wondering if you are complimenting them, consider your next move. Do you want to crumple that note to make a point about their opinions being garbage or would it work better if you tell them that their opinions are being jotted down so that you know what not to do?
5) Compliment Them: No, you’re not actually going to agree with them criticizing every aspect of your life. Rather, you are going to compliment them for being confident enough to say that to your face. Then thank them for being brave enough to say that to your face and walk away.
6) The Laugh: Whether someone is criticizing you or unfairly dropping more workload on you, laugh really loudly before asking if they are serious.
7) The Glare: You managed to finally say no to their outrageous demand. You are done letting people take advantage of you. Yet, the other person is still not backing down. You no longer have anything else to say, so give them a look to let them know you are not backing away from your decision. You’ve said what you said. Practice your glare if you have to.
8) The Technical Issue: This works better when you’re on the phone but you can try it in person as well. Anytime someone goes after you with a list of work that needs to be done or criticizing you, simply tell them that they are breaking up and you can’t hear them anymore. Nor do you care to.
9) The Slow Clap: They don’t deserve any other applause from you or anyone else. Except for the slow clap that shows just how much you are done with them.
Once they are done listing out all the things that are wrong with you and have attempted to lower your self-esteem, give them a slow-clap. They have earned with their impudent behavior. If they still don’t get the point, tell them that while they were brave enough to give that speech, you don’t think they are capable enough to run your life.
10) Call Out Their Rudeness: You are talking about something with someone else when this annoying person comes in and interrupts, and tries to take over the conversation.
Stare at them before interrupting them and say that you are not done talking and if they could kindly wait their turn. If they still interrupt you, tell them kindly that they can talk first and that you will wait for them to finish being rude.
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