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Ten Ways to Enjoy Watching Cricket

It's the cricket season and all the fans are clamoring to watch every single match on TV or in the stadium. However, friends and family members of cricket fans who do not enjoy cricket will find their TV time privileges revoked. They will have no choice but to watch cricket with them.  Here's how you can enjoy watching cricket   1) Master the Rules (Sort Of):  Try to understand the rules.  Emphasis on try.  If you accidentally yell "Touchdown!" during a particularly exciting moment, just own it.  Confidence is key.   2)  Find a Commentator Who Loves Weird Stats :  The kind of commentator who gets excited about things like "This is the first time a left-handed batsman with a name starting with 'B' has scored a six on a Tuesday in July against a team wearing yellow socks."  That's the good stuff.   3)  Watch with Friends Who Bring Snacks: Cricket can be a long game.  Your friends are your support system, and their snacks a...