Top 10 Qualities of a Good Friend


Over the course of our life, a lot of people come and go. A few of them stick around even and stay in touch.
These people, your friends, may not be large in quantity, but they are one in a million.
A close friend is someone who is unlike your other friend. You may not talk to each other every day, but you certainly stay in touch because you have that connection with them that isn't with everyone else.

Here are the top 10 qualities in a friend that make them hold a special place in your life.

1) Trustworthy

You trust them. Relationships are based on trust, and it is vital in any friendship.
You know you can trust this person with anything in the world, and you know you've earned that trust from them too. That is why they tell you their secrets, knowing you will hold them safely. This is why you also tell them your secrets.

2) Respect

What is any relationship without respect? You may pull each others legs and joke and insult each other in a friendly manner. But at the end of the day, there is a line that is never crossed. Your friend respects you for the person you are and for your beliefs. They believe you when you tell a story everyone else thinks is not possible. They respect your boundaries, including when you don't want to talk about something important going on in your life.

3) Loyal

Sometimes, when others see two people sharing a close-knit relationship, they get jealous and spread vicious rumors about you or your friend.
A true friend will never believe any rumour about you and will go out of their way to stand up for you.

4) Dependable

You're going through a rough patch, and you just want to talk or get help. There is that one person whose name pops up in your mind. That person is a friend and you know they will be there for you. You know they will respond to all your messages. You know they will take your call regardless of the time.
You are friends with this person because they are dependable.

5) Caring

The one thing that drew you to your friend is the fact that they are caring. They understand when you are having a bad day and try to cheer you up. When you are sick, they will repeatedly check up on you until you are back on your feet.
A caring friend is the best friend you can have in your life.

6) Good Listener

A good friend would never talk over you while you're discussing something that is really important to you.
Or they won't try to belittle you or make you feel bad for your situation. A good friend would drop everything to be there for you and listen when you have to process your feelings.

7) Considerate

There could be times when you don't feel like talking, especially about sensitive topics. A good friend would be considerate enough not to broach that subject which may upset you.
A good friend would see you need help and offer before you even ask for it.
As a friend, you would do the same for your friend and understand when they are available and when they are not. You would also not make a fuss if they are unavailable when you need them.
You understand that they have their own life and their own troubles to deal with and when they are free, they will get back to you.

8) Accepting

You could be crazy, playful, smart, a bit aloof, or maybe even an alien.
A good friend would accept you no matter what you are.

9) Patient

A good friend is patient with you. And you are patient with them. They could be eccentric or being moody and you would be patient until your friend finally gets it out of their system.
Also you or your friend knows you have this annoying habit of being later and are still patient with you. And still want to be your friend even after you miss the first ten minutes of the movie you totally wanted to see in the theatres.

10) Fun to be with

Your friend is just fun to be with. It doesn't matter if you are in a fancy place or spending ridiculous amounts of money on food, you enjoy their company even if you are sitting on a park bench and talking.

A good friend is low maintenance and you don't need to take special efforts to have fun with them.

Even after you meet after months, you find yourself slipping into a familiar rhythm that gives you happiness.

A good friend is important in our lives. Being a good friend is just as important.
