Top 10 Fun Moments from Charlie And The Chocolate Factory


Who doesn’t love chocolates? As kids, chocolates was that one delicious treat we waited all day to have.
And so when Roald Dahl released CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, and it was a book about chocolate, of course it was going to be well-received.
The book was funny and also managed to teach a few lessons along the way.

Over the years, CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY has been labelled as a book that every child must read.

Here are some of the Top 10 Moments from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

1) Poverty stricken Charlie finds the golden ticket.

Eleven year old Charlie lives with his parents and both sets of grandparents in one house. There is even an illustration to show how the four grandparents sit on opposite sides of the one large bed.

Charlie is always hungry and, on his eleventh birthday, gets a Wonka Bar from his Grandpa Joe on his birthday. Of course, he doesn't win one of the five golden tickets, Willy Wonka, the owner of the famous chocolate factory, has hidden.

When golden tickets are won by spoiled, rich children, the Bucket family feels disappointed.

Lucky shines on Charlie when one day he finds some money in the snow and buys a chocolate bar with it.

And that's when he finds the last golden ticket. While the other people around him offer to buy it from him, the vendor tells Charlie to run home with the ticket.
He does so, and his family is ecstatic to see the ticket. Grandpa Joe, who has never moved from the bed, jumps up and begins dancing and then offers to accompany Charlie to the tour of the factory.

2) Meeting Willy Wonka

The Willy Wonka factory was closed to the public after its secret recipes were leaked. No one has seen workers go into the factory, and there is much speculation about who works there.

And hence, the contest of five golden tickets was announced so that only a chosen few can get to see what goes on in the factory.

Coincidentally, all five winners were kids who were accompanied by their affluent parents.

Willy Wonka makes a grabd experience, and he appears to be eccentric in every way. Charlie is definitely amused.

Willy Wonka isn't afraid to speak his mind, and his dialogues are often humorous.

3) The Oompa-Loompas

The secret behind the factory workers is finally revealed. It is the Oompa-Loompas!

These are small people, men mostly, with weird hairstyles and who love nothing better than to sing songs when they spot something amusing.

The Oompa-Loompas were found by Willy Wonka when he travelled to Loompaland. The Oompa-Loompas wanted cocoa beans, and since they didn't have any on the island, Willy Wonka promised them all the cocoa beans they could have if they came to work for him.

The Oompa-Loompa songs are perhaps the best part of the book.

4) The Spoilt Kids

Along with Charlie, there were four other kids with unique personalities. Each of them had to leave because of some reason or another, but not before the Oompa Loompas sang a hilarious song at their departure.

There are important lessons to be learned here as well.

5) Lesson One: Don't be a glutton

Augustus Gloop was the first greedy kid to be eliminated because he wanted to drink from the chocolate river. Charlie does try to save him, but unfortunately, he gets sucked up in a pipe.

6) Lesson Two: Be patient

Then it is Violet Beauregarde who gets eliminated because she wanted to try a three course meal chewing gum, which was still in its testing phase. She ends up turning into a blueberry and is rolled out by the Oompa Loompas.

7) Lesson Three: You can't have everything you want

The third one to get eliminated is Veruca Salt, who wanted to take one of the squirrels who were sorting out nuts. Unfortunately, she falls into the sorting chamber, and the squirrels, realizing she's a bad nut, tosses her down the chute.

8) Lesson Four: Don't be impulsive

The last child to be eliminated from the secret contest is Mike Teavee.

His obsession with TV leads him to try a new experiment before it is even ready yet. Willy Wonka was trying out a new experiment where people could take chocolates from their TVs whenever a chocolate ad is played.
Mike tries to get on TV, only to be shrunk down by the equipment.

Fortunately, the Oompa Loompas are there to save the children and get them to their almost normal self.

9) The reveal of the secret contest

Turns out that Willy Wonka had counted on the golden tickets being found by children so that he could groom the one who won his secret contest.

Willy Wonka had no heir and wanted to give away his factory to the one who wouldn't give in to temptations and greed. Since all the other children had shown no restraint, Willy Wonka was disappointed until he learned that Charlie was the only child left.

Willy Wonka announces him as the winner, and Charlie realizes that his patience and kindness have earned him a world-renowned chocolate factory.

10) The Glass Elevator

One of the other amazing things about the book is the inclusion of spectacular inventions and experiments.
When Charlie wins the factory, Willy Wonka shows them the best way to travel...the glass elevator.
The glass elevator transports Grandpa Joe, Willy Wonka, and Charlie to the Buckets, where the eccentric owner invites everyone to come and stay with him at the factory!

The book teaches to always be patient, be hopeful, and know that sometimes dreams can come true.

This is an excellent book for children and adults to read.
