Top 10 Best Comfort Foods


There's Something compelling about the aroma of your favourite foods when it's just one of those days.
Some days can be rough, and all you would want to do is go home, curl up on the sofa or bed, watch your favourite show, and eat your favourite food.
Food can make all the difference and definitely uplift moods.

Many believe that comfort foods are called thus because they are attached to a memory of when you last felt happy or safe.
Maybe you remember feeling low when you were a kid and your parents took you for ice cream. Now you're not a kid anymore, and your parents live far away or, sadly, even passed away.
And so, whenever you feel down, you automatically crave that one food item that gives you comfort because it comes with a cherished memory.

Here are some of the popular comfort foods that make your day better:

1) Fries

The aroma of fries can make anyone hungry even after they have just had a meal. Fries are available in almost every restaurant in some form or another, or better yet, you can always keep a bag of frozen Fries in the freezer.
Just a  handful of hot fries, with a favourite condiment, just make the day instantly better.
Some say fries taste great with mayo, others believe fries are good on their own with a pinch of salt.
In any case, fries are a great snack, especially when made in the oven or air fryer.

2) Ice Cream

The one food that can put a smile on your face is ice cream. Ice cream comes in a variety of flavours and can be eaten with a bunch of toppings or as is.
Something about sitting in your favourite spot with your favourite ice cream can instantly lift spirits.

3) Chocolate Chip Cookies

Soft and chewy or crunchy, Chocolate Chip cookies is a snack that can get rid of the blues.
Especially when the cookie is paired with a cup of coffee or milk. Instant comfort food.

4) Pizza

There's nothing like watching TV and ordering a pizza. The cheesy goodness, when it arrives all nice and hot, is absolutely a dream. Not to mention, pizzas have a delicious aroma to go with it.

5) Chocolate Cake

A yummy slice of cake can make anyone feel instantly better. There's something about eating cake that reminds you of celebrations and reminds you of happier times.
This yummy treat is definitely a comfort food.

6) Burger

Greasy and delicious, this may not be the most healthiest of foods, but it fills your stomach and makes you feel better.
Of course, you can always make a healthier version at home, but when you are down, a greasy burger from your favourite fast food joint is the best thing in the world.

7) Mac and Cheese

It all comes down to cheese, even if it is vegan cheese. Melted cheese is perhaps the most delicious of foods, and it goes with everything, especially pasta.
Mac and Cheese has long been a favourite of many, especially since it was the easiest food to cook when you were hungry, and your parents wanted to give you a quick snack.

A bowl of cheesy pasta can be the best meal to have when you are in a bad mood.

8) Noodles

Instant Noodles or noodle Soup can be a wholesome meal depending on the ingredients you use.
But on a rough day, cooking can seem like a huge effort, and so dumping a block of instant noodles in boiling water is all you can do.
Lucky for you, the result is a delicious bowl of hot food that feels good going down.

9) Nachos

Cheese, or with salsa or with guacamole, nachos is an interesting, crunchy snack to have when you are feeling down. It also pairs well with most beverages or makes a delicious side dish.

10) Soup

It's a cold day. You've just had a rough day. All you want is to sit at home with your hands curled around something nice and warm.
A bowl of soup can be healthy and make you feel nice and comforted. 
