Who doesn't want to be liked? To be popular?
The easiest way to get people to like you is if you can help them in a task.
But on the way to popularity, or friendship, or whatever you are hoping to gain, there are times when you are unable to say no to people.
When it happens a lot of times, let's just say you're not going to make any new friends. What you ended up becoming is a cow from which people keep milking from.
So how do you find out whether or not you're being taken advantage of?
1) People make commitments to do something in front of you and then don't do it.
Guess who ends up doing it because you don't want to end up staying behind or want to finish that errand on time.
2) They make you ask if you can help them.
Some people will create fake scenarios in front of you and make it seem like they are in so much trouble if they don't finish that job on time.
3) You agree to help them and they end up piling more work than you were told.
You did say you would help them. They just remembered all the extra stuff that needed to be done.
4) After offering help once, the next time you aren't even asked and taken for granted.
They know you aren't going to say no. You are so helpful after all.
5) Favors are never returned.
You helped them and now you are stuck in a jam and want a little bit of help.
Guess who doesn't show up when you need help?
6) Thought you would get credit? Think again.
The people you went overboard to help, eventually hog up all the credit. Sometimes you learn the easy way. Sometimes it is a lesson learned the hard way.
7) You realize you have been putting your life on hold.
There's always that nice feeling that comes with helping people. But that feeling quickly changes to guilt when you realize you have shirked your responsibilities for someone else who has not acknowledged your little sacrifice.
8)You never say no and now they think you should always say yes to them.
Sooner or later you will realize that some people take advantage of you being nice by taking your things without even asking.
And if you happen to say no, you are labelled as a difficult person and immature.
For you, it is a wake up call. Finally.
9) People speak for you and make decisions on your behalf. Right in front of you!
You could be standing right next to the talker and the next thing you know, you've just offered to complete a task all by yourself. And you didn't even open your mouth to say so!
The talker who is supposed to be your well-wisher thinks they know you better than you know yourself and will definitely not say no.
10) People take your things in front of you, without asking and don't return it.
It was just a pen after all. You should be okay with it. Stop being childish.
These are the thoughts you would expect to hear or have them go through your mind.
Except, that pen is yours and it wouldn't have hurt for someone to ask you if you could borrow it. And even so, why not return it?
That's because that person believes it is absolutely okay to take your things because you wouldn't mind. Or you shouldn't mind.
These small things often turn to bigger things and before you know it, your drawers and wardrobe are being searched for things that someone else could benefit from.
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