We’ve all seen the memes and the jokes where cats are shown to be hidden villains who take joy in the destruction of your furniture and believe that they are the best thing that happened to you.
Now they may not be as sociable as dogs but that doesn’t mean all cats are aggressive. They may just be moody or choosy with who they want to show affection towards.
Cats can be your next best friend should you decide to adopt one.
1) They are low maintenance
Cats don’t require your undivided attention at all times. They are pretty much okay being by themselves. Which means you don’t have to entertain them on a regular basis or take them out for walks.
2) They are clean
Cats are comparatively cleaner to other pets. They tend to clean themselves when they get dirty and to top it all, they avoid going out and playing in the dirt or roll in mud when it is raining.
3) They keep bugs and mice away
Having a cat in your house means you won’t have to worry about bugs and mice in your home. Cats are good hunters and will make sure the bugs. Mice, and lizards stay far away from your house.
4) They like to snuggle
Cats can make great companions because they occasionally like to snuggle with you. You could be watching TV or working, and they will approach you and snuggle with you. Nothing like a good TV companion, isn’t it?
5) They can help you feel less stressful
Studies show that a cat’s purring makes humans relax. Just hearing them make purring sounds can reduce stress levels. Additionally, petting them and feeling their soft fur can help you relax as well.
6) They are easy to potty train
Cats are cleaner compared to other pets and will instinctively use the litter box once you show them where they must go. Kittens on the other hand may have to be trained but they too will make sure to use the litter box. Emptying and cleaning out the litter box may be much easier than taking them outside repeatedly whenever they have to go.
7) Cats require less space
Cats are pretty much content in small spaces so they can be an ideal pet if you live in an apartment. You could consider getting a cat tree to keep them occupied and they will never fuss about the lack of space.
8) Cats live longer
You may have heard that cats have nine lives. Most cats live for more than twelve years which means you get to spend a long time with your favorite companion.
9) Cats are cheaper
Cats don’t require a lot of toys nor will you have to pay a walker to walk your pet. Cats are perfectly content with playing by themselves, sitting and staring at you, or napping.
Cat toys are said to be relatively cheaper as well.
10) Cats are quiet
Unlike dogs who bark at other dogs or spend some nights barking for whatever reason, cats are considerably quiet. Of course they meow but unless they are hungry or not feeling well, they will not excessively meow.
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