As humans, the one thing we cherish most is the connections we make. When we are kids, we have our parents, extended family, classmates, and teachers that are our windows and doors to the world.
Through connections, that turn into relationships and friendships, we learn to grow based on the knowledge and experiences we gain. Every person is different and has a different story to tell which can be quite important for us to be able to see things differently.
But sometimes, we are unable to form these connections. It could be because a person has moved to a new place, has found themselves in difficult circumstances, or simply doesn’t have the time to devote to making new friends.
That doesn’t mean that a person cannot have fun if they don’t have company.
Regardless of the situation, there is always something to do to live wholesome, fun-filled lives.
Here are ten ways to enjoy your own company:
1) Nature walks: While everyone may not have access to great hiking spots with green hills or mountains, just a walk in your locality can suffice. A walk outdoors will help you relax and smooth out your jumbled thoughts. Even if it is a walk to the market that is twenty minutes away, looking around at trees or flowers planted on the streets or in someone’s balcony or garden, can help uplift your mood.
Just being by yourself as you take a walk can help you learn more about your own process of thinking.
2) Make your own adventure trips: Online maps are a great way of finding new spots in your area. Maybe a new restaurant has opened, or a mall, somewhere in your district. Plan a visit and find different ways to get there. Why take your car when you can walk there if it is close by? On the way, you may see some different sights. Perhaps you can ask someone for directions or maybe someone may ask you for directions.
You may even see different kinds of flowers, birds, and animals, that are not in your area. Try to get innovative with your trip by planning some fun stops on the way to your destination.
3) Read a book: There are millions of books out there. Find something that suits your taste. There are so many things to learn and books can be excellent resources of knowledge.
If you don’t like fiction, there are numerous non-fiction books, including self-help books. Find something that will help you grow or help you pick out a new hobby.
With e-books becoming popular over the years, you can now even carry your e-reader with several books downloaded into it. Or even on your phone.
You can read your book at the beach or even at a restaurant as you eat.
4) Take up free online courses: One must continue learning and now there is a way you can do that. Several top colleges have online courses you can enroll in and start learning. Some of them may charge for a certificate but you can try your hand at several courses and find one that can help you build a career.
5) Play a musical instrument: If you have some free time, why not learn how to play an instrument? Music can bring peace and happiness to you, and playing an instrument can be satisfying. There are several online videos to help you get started if you aren’t ready to join a music class yet.
Find which instrument you would like to play and learn how to play all your favorite tunes from your favorite artists.
6) Practice Meditation: When we are with someone, we talk and we listen, and we learn what another person’s opinions are. Often, we ignore our own opinions and desires. Being by yourself and practicing meditation can help you focus on yourself.
It is important to understand what makes you, you. What are your strengths and weaknesses that are imperative to your well-being and growth as a person? Unless you realize what you are made up of, how will you understand which areas to work on and how to improve your life?
A few minutes of meditation can help you reclaim your focus and clear your mind so you can look at everything from a different perspective.
7) Exercise: It is important to do some exercise during the day, even if it is for a few minutes. Exercise has several benefits and when you are by yourself, you have some time to devote to exercise without interruptions.
Try out different exercises and find one that suits you. It could be aerobics, pilates, or maybe you just like to dance.
Find a fun way to exercise by playing your workout music.
8) Cook for yourself. Or learn to cook: Making something for yourself from scratch can help you feel satisfied. You will also learn more about your own tastes because you will be preparing food for yourself. Maybe you don’t like too much salt in your food. Maybe you like a dash of sweetness or really spicy food.
Cooking for yourself can help you understand what kinds of food you really enjoy.
9) Watch your favorite movies. On repeat if you want. When you are by yourself, you can find your favorite movie online or on any streaming service and watch it whenever you are free. Or rewatch it.
Or if you prefer watching movies in the cinema, why not make a plan to go see one? Watching movies can be relaxing and when you are by yourself, you get to choose what you want to watch and when you want to watch it. Maybe you want to watch the last show of the day or the very first one. You can even choose your own seat and snacks.
Just remember that you are in charge of your own fun.
10) Keep a diary. Even if it is a digital one on your phone. There certainly are several apps with locks that can help you get started. Or if you prefer writing by hand, why not get a new diary where you write about everything you do during the day? Even if what you did was sit on the couch and eat snacks.
You can try writing it in at the end of the day to see how much you have accomplished during the day or even how much fun you had.
This exercise will help you to learn to be grateful for the little things in life.
Spending time by yourself doesn’t have to make feel lonely. Learn to enjoy your own company but also try to keep in touch with your loved ones who care about you, even if it is via a text or a call.
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