If only the world was like the fairytales we read as kids or the cartoons we watched while growing up.
Every character is nice and helpful, and everyone looks out for each other.
Real life is different, though, and the people we come across in our lives may not be as nice and understanding as the ones we saw in cartoons.
In fact, they may be hurtful to our peace of mind and lower our self-esteem by constant bullying and gaslighting.
These manipulative people may make you feel like everything is your fault.
It is always important to believe in yourself and know that you deserve some peace.
These toxic people do come into our lives, and sometimes, they are our relatives or loved one.
So, how do you deal with toxic people?
Here are some tips to deal with the toxic people in your lives.
1) Cut them off. The people who disrespect you and hurt you don't deserve to be in your life. It's easier when they are not close enough to you. You don't have to be friends with someone who doesn't do anything for you. You don't need a partner who makes you believe you are stupid, and you definitely don't need these toxic people to trouble you to the point that you ruin your health.
But what if these toxic people are your relatives or co-workers. If you can't leave your job or your home, just how do you deal with their special brand of toxicity?
2) Limit your interactions with them. You don't have to spend so much time with them.
If it is a family member, tell them you have to work or study or do anything else. Better yet, just get out of the place they are in and find your peace.
If it is a coworker, then only talk to them while working on a joint project. If they begin belittling you, just try this next tip.
3) Try making them understand that you are getting disturbed by their behaviour.
Now, very rarely, this may just work. Toxic people go about their lives without taking responsibility or realizing they are making people upset.
Talking to them helps them realize that their behaviour may be out of line, and maybe they might change their ways.
But do they really change?
4) Don't expect people to change for you. Toxic people think they are the best people to grace the world. They are perfect in every way. You, on the other hand, need a lot of work.
No matter what you do, these people will not change. It is better to understand that people don't change because you want them to. Things just don't work out like the fantasies movies create.
It is better to learn to accept that.
5) Don't bother defending yourself. Toxic people will try to make it seem like everything is your fault, and they are the ones who are mature and helpful. They may make you doubt yourself and wonder if perhaps you are wrong.
Don't get caught up in the drama.
In an event there is a confrontation, keep calm and silent.
Let these toxic people say what they want. Make excuses, or even say you are sorry they feel that way and walk away.
It is pointless to let toxic people see reason. They wouldn't be toxic to begin with if they did, now would they?
6) Toxic people will take you for granted. They believe that the world revolves around them and that everyone should do everything for them without them doing anything for anyone else.
As hard as it may be, especially since this person may be your boss or a family member, you must learn to stop putting your life on hold to do something for them.
Yes, it may be hard for you at first because we are brought up to believe that we must help everyone.
You don't need to help those who only want to take advantage of you.
It is better to say no than give up time and energy for someone who will not value your sacrifice.
7) Stay calm. You may feel hurt, deal with repressed anger, and feel like the whole world is unfair because of the way you have been treated by that one person.
That one toxic person doesn't represent all of humanity.
You need to remind yourself to stay calm and not give in to negative feelings.
8) Move on from the negativity. Toxic people can instill negativity inside you and make you believe things that are not true, like you are at fault, or that this is how everyone behaves but since you don't there is something wrong with you.
Find ways to distract yourself with things that can bring peace and positivity into you.
Make new friends, find a new hobby, listen to music that helps to encourage you.
Toxic people are just a small part of life. They are experiences we must learn from but not bring us down.
9) Believe in Karma. You may find yourself helpless to deal with toxic people. But do believe that even though it will take time, toxic people will be served their just desserts.
It helps to believe that these toxic people will be made to understand the error of their ways and move on with your life.
What happens to them should not be your concern. Your concern should be on your life and how happy you want to make it.
10) Do not react. You know what toxic people thrive on? A reaction from you that shows they have successfully nettled you.
Ignore them when they insult you and immediately find something to distract yourself with. Listen to music. Play a game. Watch a funny video. Do whatever it takes to change your mood and not give in to negative feelings.
Remember to stay positive no matter what you are told or is said about you.
Keep calm and keep being the amazing person you are.
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