You know what they say about difficult people: they come into your life for a reason and that reason usually is them trying to teach you some really hard lessons.
Try as you might, learning to deal with these people can be a bit of a challenge and you won’t always be in the position to distance yourself from that person. That difficult person may be a relative or a colleague.
While you may be itching to give the perfect comeback line to whatever toxins they are throwing your way, it is better to defuse the situation rather than adding fuel to fire.
1) I’ll have to think about it
Most of the time, the difficult people in your life may offer some advice without asking whether you need it or not. Or they may think they are in a far superior position than you to dole out this advice.
Instead of fuming or arguing, instead, say that you will need some time to think about it.
The other person may believe you are actually taking their unsolicited advice and hopefully leave you alone after that.
2) Life is too short for this
If you find a person constantly cribbing and complaining about everything, why not tell them, “Life is too short to complain.” And then suggest something else they can do instead.
3) Sorry, I’m not getting involved
Often you will find yourself being pulled into someone’s drama. Respectfully back away from the situation and politely state that you don’t want to get involved. Do not offer any more explanations and walk away if you must.
4) Let’s talk about something else
You may find that your friend has been complaining a lot lately. And while you are flattered that your friend chose to confide in you and finds it easier to talk to you about your issues, you may find it overwhelming.
In a very light manner, ask your friend to talk about something else that will give your friend a change as well.
And you, too.
5) You’re Not Worth My Time
Chances are that you may find yourself being provoked repeatedly. It is time to say something but also not to lose your cool. Take a deep breath before finally telling that they are not worth your time and energy.
6) I don’t remember asking for your opinion
Another day, and another piece of comment that a toxic person has uttered against you. They desperately want to get a rise out of you. The moment they make a comment against you or your work, shut them down by saying you didn’t ask for their opinion.
7) Sorry, I’m busy
The best excuse is to keep yourself occupied with productive things. Should you find yourself being invited where you know certain toxic people will be, use the excuse that you are too busy and cannot attend whatever event it is.
In another situation where you find yourself being provoked, simply state that you are too busy to get involved in this drama.
8) Mind your own business
Do you find people trying to dig a hole in your life and being nosy? Tell them straight away to mind their own business and stay out of yours!
9) You need to get help
If a person is going on an incessant rant and insulting you in the process, simply tell them that they need to get urgent help for whatever is making them so beastly.
10) The World Doesn’t Revolve Around You
Believe it or not, some people actually believe everything is about them or everything should be about them.
It’s time to tell them the truth that the world doesn’t revolve around them!
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