We exercise, eat healthy and take care of ourselves as much as we can. Because who wants to fall sick?
Being sick is an inconvenience that we just cannot afford especially when there are several tasks to be completed.
But falling sick and getting hurt is not something we can control at all times. We can adopt preventive measures to ensure that we don’t fall ill but we cannot predict when we get hurt or how our body will suddenly react when we don’t eat food or drink water in a while.
It helps to know some basic First Aid tips to not only help yourself but others around you as well.
In an emergency, always call for proper medical attention so that the patient can be given the appropriate treatment and medication for their ailment.
The following tips are some of the basic things you can do to help yourself or someone else who has been hurt or experienced an emergency.
1) What to do when you see someone choking
As soon as you see someone choking on food, bend the person over at the waist and strike them five times between their shoulder blades with the heel of your hand.
If that doesn’t work, try giving the Heimlich Maneuver which is putting your arms around a person, making a fist and wrapping a hand around it. Place your hand just below the person’s ribcage and thrust your hands inwards and upwards five times until the person is no longer choking.
2) Treating a sprain
The first thing you should do when you or someone else has a sprain is to apply an ice pack to the injured area for fifteen minutes. Following that, rest, wrap an elastic bandage, and elevate the injured area above heart level.
3) How to stop bleeding
Use a clean cloth, napkin or gauze to press upon the bleeding area. Remember to apply some pressure to stop the bleeding. Also, elevate the area to control the bleeding.
4) How to treat a sunstroke or a heat stroke
Sunstrokes and heat strokes can be serious and so it is important to bring the excessive heat down immediately. Rest in a cool area, loosen clothes, and apply cool towels on the neck, armpits and groin.
Sip on water rather than gulping it down.
5) What to take after vomiting
If you experience nausea or vomiting, eat a piece of ginger or drink ginger tea. Also eat dry crackers and sip on water to replenish the liquids lost during a vomiting episode.
6) What to do when someone faints
As soon as you see a person who has fainted, make the person lay on their back. Loosen their clothing, and then elevate their legs to promote blood flow to the brain. Call out their name loudly and squeeze their hand or shoulder to check for response.
Should the person regain consciousness, give them water or juice.
7) How to treat burns
Serious burns should be treated in the hospital. Should you get a first degree burn, run the area under cool tap water or apply a cool compress. After that, apply petroleum jelly on the area and cover the area with a nonstick, sterile bandage.
8) Blood pressure issues
In cases where one may experience low blood pressure, a glass of salt water or electrolyte solution can help.
In cases where a person experiences high blood pressure, help the person to calm down and give them a glass of water or herbal teas. Also consider eating dark chocolate.
9) Blood Sugar issues
In an emergency, people who have low blood sugar should be given sugary drinks until their blood sugar levels come to normal.
Those who have high blood sugar need to take their medication as soon as possible.
10) How to treat Stomach Upsets
Consider drinking fennel tea, ginger tea or peppermint tea in cases when you experience a stomach upset.
Also, if you suffer from frequent stomach issues, always carry the appropriate medicine with you. Many people use Imodium to stop diarrhea.
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