Top 10 Ways To Deal With First Day Jitters


Do you remember the first time you went to school? Probably not. But your parents might.
You do however remember the first time you entered high school, the first time you went on stage to perform or give a speech, the first time you went to college or the first time you went to work.

That first day can be nerve-wracking, but it is a step that must be taken. Things always get easier afterwards, but that first day in a new environment seems frightening.

You'll find yourself wondering whether you will be able to make the right impression, or if you will remember to take all your documents or if you will end up making a fool of yourself. And what if you don't like the people you are with or they don't like you?

That's why that first day can be unnerving.

Here are the TOP 10 Ways to Deal with First Day Jitters.

1) Plan out your day

A day before your first day to work or school or to any important event, sit yourself down and think about how you will deal with anything that will go wrong. Also, make a checklist of anything important you will need to carry with yourself.
Write it down or make a checklist on your phone.

2) Get adequate rest

You may be too nervous to even sit still, but you need to know that a rested body and mind can help a great deal in coping with first day jitters.
Take chamomile tea if you must, but try to relax and avoid caffeine.

3) Wake up and eat well

Wake up on time and finish your morning rituals. You may be too nervous to eat, but if you don't, your body will not have the energy to cope with the day ahead. Eat a proper breakfast and make sure you still avoid caffeine if you are too nervous.

4) Do some light exercises

There's nothing better than doing some exercises that will help release endorphins. Or do some meditation if that helps. Any form of activity or relaxing techniques and help your mental state.

5) Distract yourself

Read the newspaper, listen to music, or watch funny videos online. Maybe even connect with a friend or relative online who can provide encouragement to help you get through the day.

6) Make sure you have everything you need before leaving

Often, it so happens that you can end up becoming forgetful in a stressful situation. Take a calming breath, and refer to your checklist to make sure you are wearing appropriate clothes and carrying all the items you are required to carry with you.

7) Use GPS if you are driving

If you aren't using public transport or a taxi, and if you are driving by yourself, consider using GPS. Now that you know you are nervous, chances are you may take a wrong turn and end up far from your destination.

It is better to accept that you are nervous and distracted and use technology to make you reach your destination safely.

8) Arrive on Time

If everything has been planned out in advance, chances are you will have arrived on time. Punctuality goes a long way in making a good first impression.

9) Follow instructions

Once you have arrived, focus on the job at hand and follow instructions. Be aware of your surroundings and concentrate on what you are being told on how to proceed with a task.
Ask questions and make sure you properly understand your assignment.

10) Be yourself and enjoy your day

You may be tempted to act extra friendly and extra eager to please the people around you. Try to refrain from doing so.
Be confident and be your genuine self if you truly want to make an impression.
Once you realize people accept you for you, relax and enjoy the rest of the day.

The first day is almost over, after all.
