Top 10 Things About the Fall Season


It’s finally that time of the year! There may be a few more months before the year ends, but the Fall season is here to remind us that a change is about to take place.

Autumn is associated with changing colors. While summer brought in the hot sun and colors, Autumn is a gentle reminder to take things slow now and be prepared for new beginnings.

For most of the world, the fall season is when schools start and when TV shows finally come back for a new season.

Here are the top 10 things about the Fall season.

1) Lower Temperatures

The blazing sun is not so scorching anymore. While some look forward to summers, for most people around the world, the temperatures climb to fifty and sixty degree Celsius putting them at risk for heat strokes.

Autumn is when the heat wave finally recedes and the temperatures are comfortable enough to go for a walk outside.

2) Back To School

It’s time for the kids to go back to school. The children finally have a proper schedule to follow. They enter the new year and meet their friends and learn new things.
For those who don’t have kids, they no longer have to complain about kids making a lot of noise in the neighborhood because now the kids have to go to bed on time.

3) The Holiday Season

Think of the Fall season and you will think of all the upcoming holidays. There’s Halloween and Thanksgiving, Diwali, Oktoberfest, and many more.

It’s time to feel festive and plan a get-together with family and friends. Luckily the temperatures are just right to enjoy these festivals and more.

4) All your favorite shows come back for a new season

In Summer you will see some of the big budget movies releasing in theatres. But what’s on TV? Pretty much re-runs. Even on Streaming Services, the good shows always release around the Fall Season. Why?

Mostly because people usually take their vacations during the summer and would rather go sight-seeing than sit in front of the TV.

And so Fall brings along entertainment as well!

5) You can finally enjoy Hot beverages

Imagine taking a walk in the heat and coming home. What would you want to drink? Something with a lot of ice, right?

No matter how much you enjoy your tea and coffee, they need to be iced during the summers or it is impossible to properly enjoy them.

Fall is the season to enjoy all kinds of drinks. It’s not too cold yet so you can still enjoy your iced drinks. And the temperatures are finally down so you can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.

6) Abrupt weather changes causes a cold and cough

Fall happens to fall quite suddenly sometimes. One day it will be hot and humid, the next it will be cool and breezy. Apparently it takes the Autumn season some time to decide what it wants to be and before then, it is already Winter.

Since the temperatures are all over the place, expect to catch a cold and a cough as soon as the Fall season begins.

7) Traffic because schools have started

It’s great that the kids are back at school. But the morning traffic is plain awful. There are school buses, parents dropping their kids to school, and those who have to commute to work.
Expect to stay on the roads for an hour when the Fall season begins.

8) Everything is Pumpkin Spice

It’s the flavor of the season. And it is in everything! Go to a coffee shop, and it has pumpkin spice in it. A doughnut will be made out of pumpkin. Cakes? Pumpkin. Pies? Pumpkin. Ice cream? Nope, that has pumpkin, too.

All you can see it pumpkins during the Fall Season.

9) Weather changes every day

It’s time to stash away your t-shirts and flip flops and take out your thick sweatshirts. Maybe even a light sweater. And socks and shoes. Don’t forget a scarf.

And just when you think you are ready for cooler days, the very next day will be startlingly warm.

Will Autumn ever make up its mind? Nope. So might as well keep all your clothes nearby and dress after checking the weather outside.

10) Falling leaves make a mess

While Fall is often romanticized for the time in the year when trees lose their leaves or change colors, all of it can actually be such a mess.

There are leaves all over the road and a simple breeze scatters them all over. Be prepared for untidy roads and clogged drains when the leaves get stuck there.
