Top 10 Reasons Why You Need to Take up Walking


Being a writer means you like to stay indoors because inspiration can strike at any moment and then you do not want to be out where you cannot run to your laptop and start typing away. Staying cooped in all day may look like a disadvantage to some but not for writers who are perfectly happy to be around their gadgets and research, write or simply read an engrossing book.


But since the health experts suggest everybody should get some form of exercise, why not try walking? It is the best, and let’s face it, the easiest form of exercise. So why not do it? 

If you’re still not convinced, here are ten reasons that should motivate you: 

1) You get to vent

Do you have no one who can listen to your challenges and frustrations? At least, you have yourself, right? Yay. That’s a win right there. You can vent to yourself anywhere but it especially helps when you are far from the environment that has put you in that stressful position in the first place. And from the people who have pissed you off as well. 

You get to vent to yourself and process your anger in a safer way. 

2) You get exercise

They do say you need yo exercise. Who is they? They are the health experts you googled, your family members, and your friends who take one look at your physique and stamina and tell you to get some exercise. 

They won’t stop until you take up some form of exercise so why not go take a walk so that they can see you are taking their advise and stop bothering you about it every time. 

3) You get to enjoy the weather

It’s Autumn and the weather is cool enough for you to take a long walk and relish the season. And then it will be winter, and you get to take a walk in the cold, and wear a sweater or jacket, and simply gaze at the beauty of the season. 

Spring is perhaps the best time to take your walk. The weather is still cool, the sun is warm, there are flowers that emanate their cheerful fragrance, and everything feels blissful. 

Then it is summer again, and because you are committed to your routine, you still go for your walk and end up returning drenched in sweat. But at least you got to experience the hot weather too. 

4) You get to explore your city

Do you really know what is around you? You may look out your window and see a dozen of shops, maybe a garden, or just a glimpse of a beach somewhere. But have you really been to that beach or park? 

Do you know whether there is a good restaurant in your area that is also pocket-friendly and serves all your favorite snacks? Or that laundry who will clean and iron your clothes and send it to you in a couple of hours? Or a grocery that can urgently fulfill all your kitchen needs? 

Maybe, just maybe, there is that nice little spot no one else knows about, where you can do your writing or any other work, or simply unwind. 

Go out, and explore the street you live in and then work your way through the city you live in. 

5) You get to work out your problems

Stuck in a rut? Do you have writer’s block? A creative block? Or a personal problem that requires urgent resolve? Sometimes taking a step away can give you a clearer perspective and relax your mind enough to come up with a decent enough solution to your problems. 

Writers, especially benefit from walking around the city, aimlessly if you have to, and be rewarded by a sudden jump of inspiration that will help you overcome that potential plot hole. 

6) You burn off extra calories

Cheat days are there for a reason. And the guilt that comes from indulging in too many of your favorite foods, comes free with that. If you make walking a regular habit, then you needn’t worry about indulging in your favorite treats every now and then. Walking is a great overall exercise that helps you burn calories with each step. 

7) You save on transportation costs

With the increase in fuel prices, and the rising inflation, being able to save some money can help. Need to go to a nearby supermarket? Walk there. Have to go to a mall? Walk there if it is in the vicinity. 

You will no longer have to worry about parking or fuel prices if you walk to places that are in your neighborhood. Of course, be sure to carry a bottle of water and wipes if you are walking about in hot weather. 

8) You get to buy activewear

Sick of your daily clothes? Your wardrobe may have every type of attire for every occasion but since you aren’t much of an athlete, you never bothered with buying good running shoes and work out clothes. 

Well, now that you have taken up walking, show off your style by investing in reliable sports shoes and track pants that will make it comfortable for you to walk to long distances. 

9) You save money 

While going to a gym seems trendy and pretty much everyone is doing it, especially celebrities based on the videos of them exiting the gym, it is also expensive. 

Go check out the memberships of gyms and prepare yourself to be shocked. If it is within your budget and you are committed to being fit for at least a year, then go for it. 

If you aren’t sure you care that much or lack the willpower to go to the gym everyday, then take up walking. 

Walking is the cheapest option to staying in shape. It can also be the safest if you always check the roads when you are crossing. 

10) You get to see nature in full action

Staying indoors, and reading about nature is one thing. But have you actually seen the real thing in the outside world? Have you seen a crow feed on a seagull? Do you know how a rat decomposes when it is squished under a car and the street cleaners haven’t picked it up yet? 

Did you know crows hate pigeons? Or have you actually seen a cat jump and catch a bird by its neck and then feed on it? 


Well, then you should take up a nature walk and submerge yourself in the beauty of nature. There are flowers to see, and birds to hear, and the breeze to feel. 

There is a lot going around you that you would simply not miss. Being out in nature is one of those experiences every one needs to have. 

Also, watch out for crows. They like to fly low and sit on your head. 
